A lot of ladies these days want to have breast augmentation at any cost. But is breast augmentation safe? If you would want to know, you should read through this guide keenly. We have made it easy to understand, so you should not have any problems as you read.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a standard surgical procedure that increases the size and shape of your breasts. Your breasts can be augmented using breast implants or fat transfer.

What are the different kinds of breast augmentation?

There are two main types of breast augmentation: breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Within those two categories, there are multiple different optiobased on how you want your breasts to look and feel. Certain breast implants are only FDA-approved for certain ages. It’s important to fully research and know the pros and coof each option and to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon before opting for breast augmentation.

Breast implants are the most common type of breast augmentation. Breast implant optioinclude:

  • Saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water). If the implant were to break inside your breast, your body will absorb the saline and naturally get rid of it.
  • Structured saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water) and have an inner structure that helps the implant feel more natural.
  • Silicone breast implants: These implants are made of silicone gel. If the implant were to break, the gel could stay within its shell or leak into your breast. If you get silicone implants, you may have to see your plastic surgeon regularly to ensure your implants are working properly.
  • Form-stable breast implants: These implants are often called gummy bear breast implants because they keep their shape even in the implant shell breaks. They are made of a thicker silicone gel and are firmer than traditional implants. Form-stable breast implants require a longer surgery incision in your skin.
  • Round breast implants: These implants usually make breasts look fuller. Since the implants are round all over, they don’t typically change the look of your breast if they rotate out of place.
  • Smooth breast implants: These implants feel the softest of all the different kinds of implants. Smooth breast implants usually make breast movement look more natural than other implants.
  • Textured breast implants: These implants create scar tissue to adhere to the implant, which makes them less likely to move around inside of your breast. Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), though rare, occurs most frequently in people who have breast implants with textured surfaces.

Fat transfer breast augmentation: In a fat transfer breast augmentation, your surgeon will use liposuction to take fat from another area of your body and then inject that fat into your breasts. This type of augmentation is usually for people who want a relatively small increase in their breast size. In most cases, your surgeon will take fat tissue from one of the following areas:

  • Your belly.
  • Your flanks (the sides and lower back of your abdomen).
  • Your back.
  • Your thighs.


Breast augmentation poses various risks, including:

  • Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture)
  • Breast pain
  • Infection
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation
  • Implant position changes
  • Implant leakage or rupture

Correcting these complicatiomight require more surgery, to either remove or replace the implants.

Incision options

The surgeon and patient should discuss incision options.

The following optioare possible:

  • Inframammary incision, done in the crease under the breast
  • Transaxillary incision, in the armpit
  • Periareolar incision, around the nipple

The choice of incision depends on several factors, including how much enlargement is involved, the patient’s anatomy, the type of implant, and surgeon-patient preference.

Inserting and placing the implant

The breast implant is inserted into a pocket.

There are two types of placement:

  • A submuscular placement goes under the pectoral muscle. Recovery may take longer, and there may be more pain after the operation.
  • A submammary, or sub-glandular, placement goes behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle.

Closing the incisions

The surgeon closes the incisiowith layered sutures, or stitches, in the breast tissue. Stitches, skin adhesives, and surgical tape close the skin and keep it closed.

At first, the incision lines will be visible, but these will fade with time.

ReasoFor Breast Augmentation

There are a variety of reasowhy a woman may want to get a breast augmentation. With physical, cosmetic, and psychological benefits to be enjoyed, breast augmentation can truly be a transformative procedure. Here are seven of the most common reasothat women in Las Vegas, NV decide to get breast implants:

To Get Bigger Boobs

Arguably the most popular reason for pursuing a breast augmentation is simply to increase breast size and volume. Many women consider larger breasts a sign of beauty, youth, and femininity, making breast augmentation a fantastic option for patients looking to enhance their overall figure and appearance.

To Restore Lost Breast Volume After Having Kids

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on a woman’s breasts and result in a loss in breast volume. For women looking to restore the look they had prior to have children, breast implants can be highly beneficial. Oftentimes, doctors perform breast augmentation in conjunction with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck and liposuction, as part of a larger mommy makeover surgery.

To Correct Problems From A Previous Surgery

In the unfortunate event that a woman suffers significant asymmetry or other issues following a previous breast surgery elsewhere, breast augmentation at VIP Plastic Surgery may be useful for correcting these flaws and restoring a more natural, even contour.

To Restore A Natural Look After Mastectomy

For patients who have undergone mastectomy as part of their breast cancer therapy, a breast augmentation with breast implants can be used to restore a more natural body contour.

To Boost Their Confidence

Self-image undoubtedly plays a huge role in a person’s overall sense of confidence. For many women, having small breasts can make them feel unattractive, masculine, or self-conscious. For these women, having breast implants placed can give them a new sense of self, often leading to improved relationships, a more fulfilling social life, and increased success at work.

Because They Have Lost Weight

While losing a significant amount of weight can certainly be exciting and should be applauded, it can often leave women with smaller and more saggy breasts than they are used to. Breast augmentation is frequently used alongside a breast lift for after-weight-loss patients seeking to improve their overall upper body contour.

To Appear More Youthful

Among the many culprits of lost breast volume is the aging process alone. As women get older, it is common for them to experience a decrease in breast size along with a more droopy and saggy breast appearance. Breast implants, particularly when combined with a breast lift, are an effective way to restore a more youthful physique.

How much does a breast augmentation cost?

At a minimum, breast augmentatiocost an average of around $3,718.00, notes the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Costs can vary, though. The quoted amount doesn’t cover things like fees for:

  • the implants themselves
  • anesthesia
  • the surgical facility or hospital
  • any tests or lab work that needs to be performed
  • medications
  • garments that must be worn during recovery

Health insurance doesn’t cover elective cosmetic procedures. Some insurance carriers also don’t cover conditioor complicatiothat arise after or as a result of cosmetic surgery.

Also, consider the time costs involved in the procedure and recovery. While the initial recovery should only last from about one to five days, it could take a few weeks before the pain and swelling go away.

You’ll need to arrange vacation time away from work for the day of the procedure, as well as several days afterward while you recover from the initial pain.

Additionally, your doctor may prescribe strong pain medication that will make operating a vehicle dangerously. You’ll need a ride to and from your procedure. Someone will need to drive you while you’re taking any necessary pain prescriptions.

You can begin normal activities again once you have the all-clear from your plastic surgeon. They’ll let you know when it’s safe to begin activities like exercising again.

Procedure types

Inframammary fold or Sub-pectoral

This procedure involves an incision in the fold underneath the breast and tends to allow the surgeon more direct control of implant positioning. About 70 to 80 percent of breast augmentatioare performed using an inframammary fold procedure. The incision placement allows for minimal effects on the milk-producing areas of the breast. The same incision may also be used if complicatioarise or additional surgeries are needed.

Inframammary fold augmentation works well for older patients or mothers since age and pregnancy allow for a natural amount of sag in the breast. This natural sag allows for the surgical incision to be well hidden for most women. Young women, thin women, or women who have not had children yet and have no crease under their breasts may have a more visible scar with this procedure.


During this procedure, an incision is made in the armpit, or axilla, and is used to insert an implant either above or below the muscle. Some surgeowill use an endoscope, which is a small, fiber-optic camera, to help them complete the surgery. About 10 percent of breast augmentatioare done using a trans-axillary procedure.

The advantage of trans-axillary augmentation is that there is no scar on the breast itself. A potential disadvantage of this approach is that getting a symmetrical implant positioned is somewhat more difficult, and correction of post-operative problems will likely require additional incisioon the breast.  Also, there is potential for thickened scars that are visible with sleeveless clothing, bathing suits, or while arms are raised.


In this procedure, an incision is made around the nipple-areolar complex and the scar tends to blend into the edge of the areola. Since the incision is very near milk-producing parts of the breast, women who receive peri-areolar augmentation may have more problems with breastfeeding and nipple sensation following surgery. This is the preferred incision for women with very small breasts who do not have any fold under their breasts.

TraUmbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA)

This newer approach to augmentation uses an incision through the belly button. An endoscope, or small fiber-optic camera, is tunneled through the incision to a pocket under the breast. The implant is then inserted through this tunnel and inflated with saline. TUBA is only available for subglandular saline implants. Implants placed using TUBA have a slightly increased chance of damage. During placement, surgeomay possibly tunnel under one of the muscles.

If there are any complicatioor additional surgeries needed, you may need an additional incision made closer to the breast. Lastly, manufacturers often do not honor an implant warranty if it is placed using TUBA.


In conclusion, Breast augmentation can change the size and shape of your breasts. The surgery might improve your body image and self-esteem. But keep your expectatiorealistic, and don’t expect perfection.

Also, your breasts will continue to age after augmentation. Weight gain or weight loss might change the way your breasts look, too. If you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you might need more surgery to correct these issues.